
My symbol for balance is the Flamingo standing on one leg with grace. This wellness wheel was given to me from Green River College probably when I first started working there 22 years ago. I've been using it all these years. There's 7 categories; Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Occupational, Physical, and Environmental (Home). I added Financial and Creative, so on my wheel there's 9 categories.

Emotional is self care. Which is 
were I begin this journey. I go though each of these categories and I check myself on what I can do to improve. There's 
something for each of them that I can improve on but more on some than others. But 
that is what the wheel is for... to keep balanced.

I choose 3 categories to focus on.  This week it's Emotional, Physical, and Social.  Next week it maybe the same or different depending on changes.  Occupational I am not sure yet how to adjust... Volunteering?  Not sure.  I may just eliminate it for a while.  

Self care, eating well, walking, taking time, and connecting with people that i haven't connected with for a while is my this week's plan".  We'll see how I do with my new found time.  


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