What Are You Going To Do? - Planning

I was going to write about this topic earlier but I wasn't sure how to explain my approach to retirement.  Well, retirement is for the rest of my life.  I could have worked longer to the age of 70, but after losing my best girl friend to cancer, I thought "if I can, I am going to take the time rather than the money".  One of my friends from high school,  that I follow on Facebook, retired last summer.  Suddenly she was in Hawaii, traveling to Europe, and moving to Colorado to be close to her family.  What she did in 3 months, I would have taken 3 years to do all of these.  My friend and ex-coworker is on the road in their RV.  I've had none of these plans.  I guess I didn't get the memo.  It wouldn't have mattered, I seem to do what I am comfortable in doing.  I saw this photo on Facebook and it summed up how I thought nicely.  I will probably go places in time but I want to really plan it all out..  


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