A Sudden Twist - Graduation

Have you ever had a day suddenly change, and you are surprised to find yourself somewhere you never planned?
That was today.  Some scheduling was wrong or something, and we got a call from Auburn Mountainview High school asking if Brady (and I) could attend a Rotary Club luncheon where he was to be awarded a scholarship.  Huh?  OK, I know if the Rotary Club are giving you money for education, you show up and shine.  And, that is what Brady and I did.  It ended up being a big deal.  The GRC president and director of the GRC Foundation was there (I was able to say hi), counselors, principals, and the Auburn School District superintendent was there too.  70 students from all 3 Auburn high schools were chosen for a $500 scholarship.  That is a lot of money.  We both back at home looked at each other " Did we just do that?"  It was so unplanned, but fun. 


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