What To Do? - Honoring Family

My mom was great at shopping.  When she passed away, a lot of her treasures were passed on to me and Kari.  A lot of it we can't use, or have room for it.  But, Ron, my step-dad, didn't know what to do with it.  In this case, there are 4 collector's plates.   I didn't feel right to send them off to the Goodwill.  The four are worth $124.  I could sell them on Ebay or I could bless someone.  I decided to bless someone.  We have a Facebook group in our area for giving unneeded items that are in good condition.  I took pictures and put them online.  A lady responded for her friend that collects plates.  She picked them up the next day giving me a hug.  I can't see something that can be used forever staying in a closet or shed.  I understand being a collector as well... I just don't collect plates.  I think my mom would approve of what I did with her plates.  You know, she never hung them on the wall.  I don't remember them.  I know she thought they were beautiful flowers (she worked in a flower shop).  Now someone else can enjoy their beauty.


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