Welcome November

It's November.  I've been retired 11 months now.  Time to take stock on what I am doing and what I need to do in November.
I mentioned that I felt we need to pamper ourselves this month, yet little by little work on a few things.  I am putting that together in my head now.  I know beading is a piece of the puzzle.  Here is my lastest attempts: 

Spiritually:  I need to be more in touch with my own Intuition.  Sometimes church can cloud over that.  I know thay sounds odd and it's hard to explain.  But there's balance in all things.
Social:  I could do better.  I am not sure how or if its time to do more.  Lots have Covid, so now may not be the time to mingle.  Sending cards, making sure gifts are given etc. I guess I  did alright September - October.  
Creative:  Off the charts with making my spiders.

Finance:  Could do better.  Need to scale back on spending online.
Health:  Finally started losing a few pounds.  I went to the dentist for a cleaning. Have some labs to do.  I am stubborn in holding back 
Work/ Getting Things Done:  Yesterday I went through my mail and looked at somethings.  I activated cards that are updating.  I paid off the credit card.  I looked at insurance due to the open enrollment time this month.  If I stay with what I have, it increases $15.  Still deciding if going with Plan G is a good idea yet.  And, on Halloween, I finally had an online will done.  I was worried about not having one during Covid, and I swore to do something when I was able.  Having 2 friends pass and I guess Matthew Perry passing made me see it as a good thing to do.
Organization:  still filling a bag constantly with things to move forward.  Working with organizing beads.  Could do more, I feel.
Home:  the garden is dying off.  There's always more to do.  We decorated well for Halloween.
Here's Kari's costume:


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