Celebrating Brady

Saturday evening the family met up at Magenta's house.  I met her lovely dog and cat.  Saw Darian, Savanna, Bella, Marcia, Kenny, Colleen, and Magenta.  We spent 2 hours talking.  The kids worked on a puzzle.  I had a birthday gift for Bella.

Sunday was Brady's birthday celebration at Round 1 at the mall.  We left the boys there and Debra, Kari, and I went to Claim Jumpers for lunch.  It was sooooo good.  I had a Cobb Salad with chicken and a Diet Coke.  Debra shared Spinach Dip and a plate of roast Brussel Sprouts.  Yum.

Debra is quiting her job because Don now will be working a job for $7,000 a week.  Oh my goodness!

Riley tried food in the food court from the Hamburger Shack plus others.  He praised and praised the food he ate.  He's such a foodie now.  And cooks well himself.

Good day


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