Friends - Social

One of the hardest things I have dealt with is leaving my friendships I had at work.  Yes, I know they are still my friends but it's different.  For me, everything's different.  I thought I had misplaced everyone's information, but I hadn't.  I believe in making things happen.  Not just waiting to see if it will happen.  Sometimes there's issues like timing and what's happening in people's lives which I am respectful of.  Today I went over to the college to a farewell potluck for Teresa.  GRC is going to miss her but I wish her all the best.  I was able to spend time with some of my favorite people and connect.  When I walked out to the car, I felt the happiness I had seeing them but also the void.  I realized again for the millionth time how much of a "people" person I am.  I felt energized.  In the past two months since I was gone, I haven't had as much interaction, although I've attended Roar and Young at Heart.  It sure presents an interesting challenge.


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