YouTube - Learning More or Returning to What I Love


One of the greatest helps to me for moving forward is YouTube.  I have found woman that are seniors that are talk about their lives, make up, skin care, clothes etc. for older women.  And last week I discovered I was watching hour shows about US History, glass ware, jewelry finds at the thrift stores and other things.  These subjects are topics I have cared about in my life but had put on pause for one reason or another.  It reminds me of the square dance pause... something comes up and one puts their interests aside for one reason or another.  Usually, it is for a family issue, or one has to put their energy towards work.

A long time ago, when Kari was a little girl, my hobby was collecting vintage software.  I decided to have a complete set of carnival glass glasses for the house.  There were various pieces of vintage glassware that I had out for display, but in time with the boys etc. I put them up and away in that cabinet above the refrigerator.  I stopped collecting and learning what I could about various manufacturers.  

I have always been a "hunter" too.  We sea glass hunt looking for pieces.  I look for interesting pieces to decorate with but at the thrift store or antique store.  I look for sterling silver pieces and gold in jewelry that has long been overlooked.  This also ties into history.  To know when items were created or manufactured tells the story of our history.  Depression glass is a good example.  And one is really good if one knows the name of the pattern or the manufacturer.  Depression glass was given to households in soap boxes... my grandmother said.  It isn't very good glass but it was available to help out struggling finances.  I find it beautiful.  I have a few pieces but because it has been so long that I was learning about depression glass, I would have to look up the pattern's name.  Fenton is one of my favorites.  

I found these channels of collectors that buy jars or boxes of odds and ends jewelry to see what they can find.  A lot of it is costume jewelry, but every now and then there are pieces that are sterling silver or gold.  They have a kit, that one can buy on Amazon, to test to see what the metal is.  They look for the 925 stamp or the 10k, 14k, or 22k on other items.  Otherwise, it is just fun to see the different designs and how creative the jewelry can be.

One of these shows were about brooches.  I have some brooches from my grandmother, and maybe my mom.  I remember grandma wearing them on her coat or jacket.  This guy on the show was saying that they weren't popular but that they are returning.  He showed us what to look for... but regardless of the quality, I was appreciating brooches.  I went to my drawer where I keep them and brought them all out and really looked at them.  I actually wore one of them that day.  I also went on Ebay and searched for vintage brooches, with free shipping and bought a couple.  

What is interesting to me that I have the same interests that I had many years ago.  They are being reborn again in me in retirement.  I feel excitement.  I think about what I might do with these renewed passions.  Stay tuned as I explore.


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