The Junk Hunt
This takes place at the WA State fair grounds. We went last Saturday. It was raining hard this morning. There had been significant wind last night due to lots of things outside tipped over. That didn't stop us. Off we went, Kari and I. First stop was her favorite jewelry place. We were there an hour plus. Then it was one booth after another. Lots of people. Kari got rings and gifts. Me too, just not as many.
We went to Applebee's on South Hill, Puyallup. Then on to Sumner to two stores for their Howntown Holidays.
Now I know it's November and that Christmas is around the corner, but I am not yet feeling it. I've been watching the Christmas movies but not yet feeling it. I guess I am hanging on to Autumn. Maybe November 24, the day after Thanksgiving I will change my mind.
Anyway, I was grateful to meet cool people like Gayla at the jewelry booth. I saw my friend Renee and her daughter Missy. I was amazed we were there. 3 years ago, Covid was running our lives. I am grateful to have these opportunities again of places and people. I will never take it for granted.
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